A confident start to your business is crucial, with sound accountancy practices that reduce your administrative burden, ensure compliance and reduce your financial liabilities. We deal with small business of every size and understand your specific needs at this vital time.

Start-Up Services at A Glance


Accounts Preparation

Business Registration

VAT registration and returns

Business and Personal Tax Planning


Accountancy Software

Company Registration

A partner to help you succeed

As a new start-up, we want to help give you the best chance of success.  It is a commonly-known fact that a high proportion of new business fail.  Sometimes this is due to the result of poor financial management within the business, often due to business owners focused on selling and dealing with customers and neglecting efficient financial planning.   Poor cash-flow and non-compliance with HMRC frequently catch out new business owners.

We can work as your partner in identifying all of these areas and making sure your business accounts are efficiently in order, leaving you to make your business a success.

Cost Effective

You may be surprised by how much value return you see from using a professional accountant, even in the early stages of business.  Besides the administrative time that we can take away from your hectic schedule, you can rest assured that your accounts will be legal and compliant, and will have benefitted from the eyes of our specialist team, who can identify areas of tax efficiency for you.

Growth Planning

Once your business is up and running, we can work closely with you to ensure that it thrives and continues to grow. We have the skills and experience to advise on corporate restructuring, remuneration planning and spread of wealth and investment.


First Meeting

We will meet with you for an initial consultation where we will ask you some questions about your business and you will get to meet us too and ask any questions you may have. The more we understand about your business at this point, the more we are able to help – there are no right or wrong answers so don’t worry!

Services and Costs Explained

We will take the time to explain the services we can offer you and exactly how much they will cost. We completely understand that a lot of terms may be unfamiliar to you so please just ask us if there is something that doesn’t make sense.


We will need to see some formal ID as requirements for money laundering regulations and, at some stage, we will need to see your records. We have seen every shape and form of records so don’t be embarrassed about a shoebox full of receipts! If you have recently become self-employed then it is also useful to have things like your tax code, P45/P60 and NI number. If you are already set up on HMRC then it is useful for us to have your gateway login/UTR number.

Engagement of Services

If you think that we are the right fit for your business, then we will need to send you a formal “Letter of Engagement”. This legally sets out the service levels that we will provide to you and outlines responsibilities on both sides. We will also issue an HMRC Authorisation form, which gives us permission to deal with HMRC on your behalf. At this point you will also receive details of all those team members working on your account before getting started.


Before you take the jump into the start-up services of a professional accountant, you may want to learn a little more about us. You can view all about Meta and our teams here. And you can always pop in to say hello to us, we’re a friendly bunch and we make a great cuppa!